Welcome to Last Friday, a Kuali Ready Admin Newsletter. The newsletter will keep you informed of product updates and community news and events.
Community News
We are getting a lot of positive response about the new Ready Camp track at Kuali Days and registration is picking up. This is a great chance to meet colleagues, share experiences, learn about Ready and impact the future direction of the product. Please check out the Events section below for more information.
Product Updates
The Migration Tool has been added to Ready 2015 for those who’ve requested it. If you have not yet requested access to Ready 2015, please contact ready-help@kuali.co and request access to your account. Canadian institutions interested in migrating to Ready 2015 (US hosted) are encouraged to do so. We’ll work with the University of Toronto to migrate your content.
Admin Tips
If you are currently using US hosted Ready 4.0.13, you will need to migrate to Ready 2015. We do not have a cut-off date for migration, but will encourage everyone to move as soon as possible, as we will no longer be updating the old version. Please review these migration resources to help you prepare and make decisions that work for your users.
What’s New in Ready 2015?
Ready 2015 Migration Preparation
How to Conduct a Practice Migration in Ready 2015
Ready 2015 Migration Tool Instructions
It’s a lot of content, but we want you to have as much information as possible before you get started. The process is incredibly simple. Check out this video. If you have questions, please feel free to contact ready-help@kuali.co.
If you struggle to get buy-in for completing plans, we’re working to create support resources to help you build a case for preparedness. We released a blog post this week about 5 bad excuses for weak continuity planning. You can also download a PDF version from the Help Portal to share with colleagues.
Works in Progress
We’re exploring options to improve the Activity log functionality in Ready before we add it to Ready 2015. If you have suggestions or feedback on improvements, we’d love to hear from you. We’d like to make it easy for you to view and download the data, but we could also integrate technology that would provide versioning capabilities on plans.
October 21 11:15 AM PDT- Webinar: Continuity Planning in the Cloud with Kuali Ready
Audience: Anyone interested in learning more about Kuali Ready, and the Kuali community. This is not specific to current Ready subscribers, but you may find it useful if you haven’t toured the new product. It will include a functional demo of Ready 2015, but will not cover differences between it and the old system. Please register at:
October 28-29 - EDUCAUSE 2015
If you’re not attending, you may wish to find out if your leadership, IT or eLearning folks will be there. Encourage them to stop by and meet us.
Exhibit Hall Kuali Booth #1936
Audience: Anyone attending EDUCAUSE who’s interested in meeting the Kuali team and learning more about Kuali products, including Kuali Ready.
Wednesday, October 28: 9:30 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 29: 10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Kuali Reception
Audience: Anyone attending EDUCAUSE who’s interested in learning more about Kuali products, approach, and the Kuali community. This is not specific to Ready, but encompasses all Kuali offerings.
Details: Please join us for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and an opportunity to hear about Kuali’s new approach to simplifying business processes for higher ed.
Please RSVP: http://go.kuali.co/kuali-educause-15
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
JW Marriott Hotel
White River Ballroom F (1st Floor)
Open Meeting for CIOs & Senior IT Leaders
Audience: CIOs and senior IT leaders
Details: Come hear Kuali community leaders discuss how changes over the past year have helped make Kuali a more viable and preferred path for university enterprise systems. Not specific to Ready, encompasses all Kuali offerings.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
2:00 - 3:20 p.m.
Meeting Room 105
November 11 & 12 - Ready Camp @ Kuali Days 2015, Austin, TX
Kuali Days is an annual event that brings together the user community to share and learn about Kuali products. Ready Camp @ Kuali Days is a special two-day track focused on Kuali Ready. Join current and prospective users for two days of knowledge sharing and building connections.
November 14th & 15th IAEM University and College Caucus Symposium, Las Vegas, NV
We’ll be attending the event as a gold sponsor and look forward to learning with you.
Do you have an event that needs sponsorship? We are very interested in sponsoring events that support the interests and professional development activities of our subscribers. Contact jen@kuali.co if you have event suggestions.
End Notes
Thank you for sharing your stories to help us develop a product that simplifies your work. We’re always open to feedback and suggestions. To submit support requests, please contact ready-help@kuali.co.
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